A World of Opportunity
At the beginning of 2020, the opportunity to freely travel had effectively been removed from the table. Gone were the city hopper flights, quick jaunts over the border and weekend get aways to a location on the other side of the continent. Not only did the airports and borders close almost simultaneously across Europe, but the international corridors alongside the majority of countries world wide, experienced a sudden collapse of anything remotely similar to the previous year of travel and vacation.
Fast forward to 2023 - and the opportunities abound. The unleashed potential of the new resurgence in tourism as well as a shakeup in the hospitality market, has left tourist starved destinations hungry for a new influx of visitors. Likewise, the long wait at home has lit a new fire under the crowd of jet setters itching to explore new villages, cuisines and the post pandemic world.
There is the feeling that everything has changed, and yet - so much remains the same. The potential in this new world of travel is therefore ripe for the picking. With package deals abounding, flight prices dropping and new destinations calling. The time is now to invest in destinations that not only satisfy the required check in the box for rest and relaxation, but also broaden the new horizon and cultural deficit experienced throughout the last 2-3 years of perpetual lockdowns and travel bans.
So how do you make the most of it?
Well, that comes down to how brave you are. But we have a couple ideas: